Organisation of Southern Europe

Dear all,

As announced earlier by Jonas Prising, we are now all part of a newly created Southern Europe Region that embeds France and formerly South and East Europe. And, as announced by Jonas, I have been appointed President of this new entity. It’s with a lot of honor and gratitude that I am writing to you today as your new leader. Jonas also announced that Talent Solutions will be led by Becky Frankiewicz, President, North America Region & Chief Commercial Officer.

My first words are for Stefano who I want to thank for his leadership, vision and dedication to ManpowerGroup in the last two decades. Thank you, Stefano - you have been a great leader for this company and a great partner for me on many topics.

Coming back to ManpowerGroup. We, as a company, are now at an inflection point as we need to fight for our right to win in our key markets. To gain this agility, we intend to accelerate consistency across our geographies and brands, drive efficiencies and look for synergies.
I am convinced that with a single and integrated organization we will be able to better leverage our talents – (you!) - offering easier opportunities for those who wish to build a new career path. By knowing each other better, we will also identify best practices in each of our markets that can inspire others. And with common management, we’ll be able to better collaborate and find integrated opportunities for our future successes. Last but not least, together, we will be stronger at making our success shine and working through our challenges.

In the coming weeks, my goal is to discover each of the businesses of this new region: France, Israel, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Austria, Czech Republic, Greece, Turkey, Romania, Portugal, Slovakia and Morocco. I will spend time discussing with your leaders your strengths and key challenges, and I will come on the ground to visit as many of you as possible. As I look for the best way to manage this entity, I will be back in touch by the end of September with some decisions on governance and organization. I am very proud to be your new leader. And I am very humble, too. Please reach out to me – or your direct report if you are more comfortable in any form - should you want to share key information with me.

I count on you. Know you can count on me.

Alain Roumilhac